FlorActive Swine Specialty Products
Product SKU: IP0801U

- Probiotics (“Good Bugs”)
- Prebiotics (“Good Bug Food”)
- Prebiotics (“good bug food”)
- 9 Enzymes (xylanase, beta-glucanase, cellulase, amylase, protease, mannanase, pectinase, galactanase, and invertase)
- Live yeast & yeast cultures
- Combination of 9 Essential Oils and Spices (Neutraceuticals)
- Antioxidants
- High Water Holding Capacity (WHC)
- Stimulate intestinal transit to increase feed intake in lactating sows.
- Fewer “off feed” bouts in lactation
- Reduce digesta viscosity to ensure high nutrient digestibility
- Improve fecal consistency—not to loose / not too hard
- Faster farrowings
- No risk of mycotoxins in this fibre source
- At higher levels, give sows a feeling of satiation (fewer restless / hungry sows), particularly gestation sows on restricted feed intakes.
- Prevent stool hardness (constipation)
- Give sows a feeling of satiation (fewer restless / hungry sows), particularly gestation sows on restricted feed intakes.
- Contribute to bacterial fermentation in hind-gut to yield VFA energy to sows
- Increases the number of Intestinal Glucose Transporters.
- Improves energy uptake
- Increases the Efficiency of Intestinal Glucose Transporters
- Improves energy uptake
- Corrects stress induced electrolyte imbalances thus maintaining both blood and muscle acid/base balance for optimum stress resistance and performance
- Prevents breakdown of muscle protein and increases rate of protein synthesis resulting in continued lean tissue deposition for increased daily gain
- Alleviates glycogen and fat depletion in muscle and liver resulting in a positive energy balance for decreased body weight loss and increased body weight gain
- Improves metabolic functions resulting in the enhanced ability to deal with stressful free radical production for optimum stress resistance and performance
- Improves metabolic functions resulting in the enhanced ability to deal with stressful free radical production for optimum stress resistance and performance
- Improves the gut environment thus increasing the population of beneficial microbes in the gut for increased feed intake and improved nutrient absorption and better feed efficiency
- Compete with gut pathogens to improve microflora balance and gut health. Less digestive upsets, less mortality from enteric challenges. Better ADG and F/G. When fed in pre-farrow or lactating sow diets they “seed” sow feces with beneficial bacteria which end up being consumed by piglets for improved gut development and weaning weights. Probiotics continue to work in manure to break down organic matter. Easier to manage pits.
- Stimulate the growth of gut microflora expanding digestive capacity and improve organic matter degradation.
- Pigs (and their microflora) get more nutrients from their feed. Better body condition, weaning weights, F/G and ADG.
- More Good food for “Good bugs”, inhibition of toxin producing microflora, improve gut health, stool consistency, F/G and ADG, reduce mortality.
- Enhance appetite, improve enzyme secretions into gut, inhibit growth pathogenic microflora.
- Prevent fats and oils in diets from going rancid and inhibiting the health of gut microflora. Less animals “off-feed” or with reduced feed intake, especially in summer months.