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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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    Look at feed formulation in a whole new “whole farm”way—not just 1 formula at a time.

    WIM was developed by a team of Nutritionists with advanced degrees and a combined total of more than 60 years of industry experience

    A “Holistic” Program Module separate but linked to Friesen Nutrition Feed Formulation Software (FNFFS) to do whole farm complex feed formulations “all at once” and analyses of ingredient usage and potential savings


    • Formula specifications for all the diets used on a farm unit in FNFFS
    • List of available Ingredients and their current Prices in FNFFS
    • Analyses of main grains and proteins for Moisture, Protein, Fat, Ash and at least 2 of the 3 fibres (CF-Crude Fibre, ADF-Acid Detergent Fibre, NDF-Neutral Detergentt Fibre) to calculate their energy and available amino acid FNFFS
    • Tonnes of each Formula manufacture/month for the WIM Program Module.

Features Benefits

  • Helps decide the monthly financial cost savings of using one or more new ingredient(s)
  • Helps calculate the pay back on a new ingredient bin(s)
  • Calculates the “‘shadow price” of new ingredient(s)
  • Helps predict ingredient monthly cost and usage rate of all ingredients when ingredient prices are “moving and shifting”
  • Calculates the whole farm cost of restricting (“stretching”) or “forcing in” ingredient(s) NOTE: When ingredients are “restricted” or ‘forced” the program uses the ingredient(s) where they make the farm the most profit—always honouring the individual formula specification parameters.
  • Gives customers average cost /month for each ingredient, cost/tonne of each feed formula, average farm feed cost/tonne and each ingredient cost as % of total feed bill.
  • Allows the comparison of Present Set of Formulas to a Former Set of Formulas
Friesen Nutrition Dairy Cow

Cattle Nutrition

FRIESEN has a full line of mineral products for beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and goats. Our exclusive blend of FREE choice minerals gives you the flexibility to choose what is right for your herd.

Our popular BULL MINERAL has the required micro and macro nutrients your bulls need for optimum performance. A small investment for significant improvements in libido, energy and stamina has been observed by our producers using our BULL MINERAL



Friesen Nutrition cattle

At FRIESEN, we know cattle!

We are experts in the field of feeding modern production hog farms. Many of our customers receive awards for outstanding quality, health and carcass weight consistency of their animals. With a BALANCED approach, we can help you achieve the most out of your barn(s).

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